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  • Initial consultation


Includes full fitness assessment, diet program,workout program and fitness report.

£ 75,00



Personal training one to one with PT - PRO Luciano Junior


We will train you in the comfort of our Studio . ALL EQUIPMENT PROVIED.





Each session lasting 1 hour


1 Session.  ( minimum booking 10 sessions )                                              £ 69

10 Sessions                                                                                         £ 690

20 Sessions £ 1.380  8 % off.                     ( 110.40 £ less  )                  £ 1.269.60


30 Sessions £ 2.070  13 % off.                   ( 269.10 £  less  )                  £ 1.800,90

40 Sessions £ 2.760  15 % off.                    ( 414,00 £ less  )                   £ 2.346,00



50 Sessions £ 3.450  18 % off.               ( 621,00 £ less  )                    £ 2.829,00









Consultation with our Dietitian 





     Anthropometric measurements

     Energy expenditure assessment

     Food assessment

     Clinical assessment

     Setting goals and objectives nutritional education

     Preparation of personalized food plan




    Diet Plan                                                                                             £ 175













Payment options available for those of you who would like to attend the EIT 60 Sunday morning sessions:



1.  per session (payable at each class).  £ 12


2.  Double session  £15


3. £33 per calendar month – this allows you to attend a Sunday session every week of the calendar month – to benefit from this option you will need to make payment into the bank account (details to follow) before the first Sunday of the month.


​4. £43 per calendar month - this allows you to attend a Saturday and Sunday sessions every week.


I hope these options will offer better flexibility and value for money for those of you who wish to train regularly.




Please let me know if you have any questions!


















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